Miniature electrocardiogram device fits in one's hand - Innovation Origins

2022-07-31 06:41:55 By : Mr. Kangning Tian

It is much smaller than its hospital equivalents but its quality clearly equals them. The Polish start-up SmartMedics Sp developed a miniature ECG monitoring device, so the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) in a press release. 

Grzegorz Wróblewski, PhD, Eng. from the Faculty of Mechatronics of the Warsaw University of Technology, Łukasz Kołtowski, PhD – cardiologist from the Warsaw Medical University and Adrian Maciejewski, MD, were brought together thanks to their interest in medicine and technology. Within SmartMedics Sp. z o.o., they created an ECG monitoring device which fits in one’s hand. Thanks to flexible plasters which ensure the correct placement of ECG electrodes patients can do the monitoring on their own.

The system comprises a small electronic module which registers the ECG signal, a single-use plaster with electrodes and a smartphone app. The recorded data are automatically synchronised with a server where AI algorithms monitor the heart on an ongoing basis and show any anomalies that may occur.

At present, results are sent to a server from which they may be downloaded and evaluated by a doctor. “So far the patient may not buy the device since the monitoring results without any clinical evaluation done by experts will not be of any use to them. We wish to cooperate with companies, medical units, and telemedical portals which remotely monitor the condition of their patients,” explains Grzegorz Wróblewski, PhD, Eng.

The device may be used to diagnose heart diseases: cardiac dysrhythmia, ischemia, and cardiac failure. It will also be helpful for lifeguards and sportspeople.

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